
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

“So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip His people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.”- Ephesians 4:11-13

When you hear the words “into the unknown”, what do you think of? Perhaps you think of the song from Frozen 2, or maybe you think of adventure, maybe even danger lurking around every corner, etc.; when I hear those words, I hear a command from God saying “Go”, but also, I hear Him saying “Trust me.” The truth is the unknown is full of all of those things, except maybe the song from frozen. The next thing you may be asking is “How long do you venture into the unknown? Is there a time limit?” The answer is relatively simple: no, there is no limit. A journey, THE journey God calls us all on, is supposed to last the length of our lifespan. Often we forget that God is the one who created us, and that He created us in His own image.

But we almost never remember the fact that we have to have God in our lives to survive. What happens when we take God out of the picture? The answer is simple: we will crumble, even if it seems like we are all good on the outside, in time, what we look like on the inside will become what we look like on the outside. Without God, we would be in endless search for an answer that we would never find, and realistically, most of us would probably be dead because no one would have any sense of reason anymore. We think we’d make it a couple years, but we wouldn’t even make it past day 1 to see the rest of what could happen/what could be.

“Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.”- Ephesians 4:3

Sitting here, at launch “training” camp, without WiFi (so this will be posted the moment I get WiFi again) I am absolutely ecstatic and ready to go. In other ways though, I’m also a little scared. I’m not scared about safety because God has me, not really the language barrier either because if there really is no way to communicate with them through speech, we can still show them Jesus by being an example; I’m honestly the most scared about being under-qualified to do this, that maybe my quietness is too much so and that it will become a hindrance rather than a helpful tool.

But then again, I know God makes us strong by using our weaknesses. There are many outward/outgoing personalities on my squad, and on my individual team (Amadea), and in some ways I feel like I’m going to be lost. Then, I remember my key and how I picked “Bold” for the back, and had the prophetic word of “Seen” on the front. I AM seen, I AM heard by God; but how do I feel seen by my squad? By my team? Should I want to be seen by them, or do I just want to be acknowledged from time-to-time? Personally, I want the former, but I do struggle to trust.

 There are some that have seen my story, the short version for the blog, but I know others have no idea what I’ve come through with God’s help and glory; honestly, even the ones who have read it since they only got the very straight-forward, non-detailed version of my story/Gods story, even they don’t truly know. However, I do know that all of them will hear, whether by directly asking me to tell them, or by all of us sitting in our breakout session where I get to speak about it.

And because of that, I can find peace in knowing that they will hear, and I’m also excited to hear their stories, regardless of how hard they could be. If you don’t know from me telling you in person or by reading the blogs on social media, we are launching out on the 12th this week to Craiova, Romania! I can’t believe it’s actually almost time for us to go; like, it seems unreal that we launch out of the US for 11 months this week! To know that God has already gone before us and has already prepared us for the ways we are meant to go, that makes me even more ecstatic to know that the God of the universe has us under His wing. Here we go y’all!

“How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!”- Psalm 133:1

4 responses to “Into the Unknown”

  1. Taylor, I absolutely love your third paragraph. It is truth lady! And I am asking to hear your story please.

  2. Taylor, Mama Ford is going to continue to keep you in prayer and wrapped in my heart! Love you! Here, there, everywhere!!

  3. Sure thing Darla! I can tell you tomorrow if you’d like, during free time whenever that will be. 🙂